2023 ElectioN

Presidential Candidate


Motivational Speaker & Activist

Constitution Convention Delegate 2022

I have a deep passion for advocating for human and workers' rights. Throughout my career, I have worked to ensure that the voices of marginalized communities are heard, and their needs are met. As President of the UAW local unit, I will continue to be a strong advocate for workers' rights, ensuring that they are treated with dignity and respect in the workplace.

In addition to my passion for advocacy, I have the leadership skills and experience necessary to effectively lead the UAW local unit. I am a graduate of TCC and Texas Wesleyan University. I have multiple years of experience in conflict resolution, political activism, and grievance handling. have served as an Elected Executive Board Member, Local Chair of the Women's Committee, Bylaws Committee, and a delegate of the Constitutional Convention.

II have served as a leader in various community organizations such as past Trustee in CLUW and previous member of LULAC, overseeing teams and working to achieve common goals. I understand the importance of effective communication, collaboration, and delegation to ensure that all voices are heard, and all members are working towards the same vision.

Furthermore, I believe that community involvement is critical to the success of any organization. As President of the UAW local unit, I will work to engage with the community through volunteering, building partnerships with local businesses, and using social media to keep members and the community informed and engaged.

I am committed to transparency and accountability. I believe that it is important for members to have access to information about the organization's operations and finances.

As President, I will work to ensure that the UAW local unit operates with integrity and that members' trust is maintained.

Finally, I understand that the UAW is currently facing significant challenges, including increasing pressure from anti-union forces and the need to adapt to a rapidly changing workplace. As President of the UAW local unit, I will work to ensure that the organization is prepared to meet these challenges head-on. I will work to build coalitions with other unions, engage with lawmakers to advocate for workers' rights, and explore new ways to organize and represent workers.

I believe that my passion for workers' rights, my leadership skills and experience, my commitment to community involvement, and my dedication to transparency and accountability make me the ideal candidate for the position of President of the UAW local unit. I look forward to the opportunity to serve and work alongside my fellow members to build a stronger, more equitable future for all workers. Thank you for considering my candidacy.

Cheryl Stubblefield

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Constitution Convention Delegate 2022

Thank you all so much for your vote of confidence in sending me to the 2022 Constitution Convention as your Delegate! I am excited to embark on this experience, and I look forward to providing you all with updates from our leadership.



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